Murphy and Max, is a story about new friendship between a dog and a hamster. Both Murphy and Max go through many challenges children face growing up. This story teaches the importance of friendship, unity, and tolerance.
Pippi Longstocking, is a classic children’s novel filled with fun characters and adventures. Each illustration created is an element from the book that depicts the vibrant, free-spirited character of Pippi.
Lindsey Mary Loves to Bake, is a childrens story and a cookbook idea created for little chefs in the making. You can have fun and learn to bake with Lindsey Mary!
Pippi Longstocking, is a classic children’s novel filled with fun characters and adventures. Each illustration created is an element from the book that depicts the vibrant, free-spirited character of Pippi.
Lindsey Mary Loves to Bake, is a childrens story and a cookbook idea created for little chefs in the making. You can have fun and learn to bake with Lindsey Mary!
© 2014 WiseArt Designs
No artwork may be used or displayed without the express written consent of the artist.
No artwork may be used or displayed without the express written consent of the artist.